Injection MSC and Prolo-cell Therapy Now Available

Prolotherapy, also called proliferation therapy is an injection-based treatment used in chronic musculoskeletal conditions. 

We offer a variety of injections:

  • MSC - Amniotic - umbilical “stem cells”

  • Prolo-therapy trigger point injections

  • Improved PRP injections

  • Peptides

Supportive and corrective:

  • B-12 (methylcobalamine)

  • Glutathione: IV plus new technology Glutathione-Cyclodextrin Nanoparticle Complex

  • Homeopathics

  • Other injections: Choline, Engystol, Guna, Heel, Homeopathics, Inosital, Rheum, Saline, Spascupreel, Traumeel, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Zeel,

  • Cosmetic Amnio-dermal products in conjunction with microacupuncture

How does Stem cell therapy work?

1) The first effect after Cell therapy is a reduction in inflammation. Data shows how inflammatory markers such as TNFalpha and IL-6 are reduced by 75%. This effect will allow the ligaments and tendons to shrink and do their job again. Your joint is now held together much tighter!

2) Scar tissue needs to get replaced. Cells come with microRNA and they will activate Macrophages. This is necessary so functional new tissue gets formed over dysfunctional scar tissue. Cells can travel to the site of inflammation and there contribute to local healing. A controlled balance of M1+2 Macrophages is necessary for tissue healing: M1- pro inflammatory = remove damaged debris tissue; M2- anti inflammatory = mediate tissue repair.

3) Over the process of several month in a complex regenerative process your bodies own cells are recruited to grow new functional tissue.

Please schedule a free consultation to evaluate your options.


The NeiJing says, "If the Sea of Marrow is abundant, vitality is good, the body feels light and agile, and the span of life will be long." The sea of marrow indeed is the home and reservoir for vital regenerative cells in your body! These cells are capable to restore any tissue and blood cell in your body. As your Multipotent cells age, so are you and the repair of damaged tissue becomes more difficult.

Cellular therapy is becoming the treatment option of choice for the regeneration of organs.  Regenerative medicine is a field of medical research developing treatments to repair or re-grow specific tissue in the body. There is a rising body of studies that reveals the power of mesenchymal cells (MSC). MSCs are multipotent stromal cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, [1] including: osteoblasts (bone cells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells), myocytes (muscle cells) and adipocytes (fat cells). This phenomenon has been documented in specific cells and tissues in living animals and their counterparts growing in laboratory tissue culture. Most Human Tissue has a rapid turnover rate. It is the availability of multipotent cells that assists in this process. However with advanced age, multipotent cells also age and proliferate much slower.

The aging of multipotent cells:  Healing a skin injury in a baby can be observed within approximately one to two days. In adults over the age of 40 the same process can take weeks or even month. That is why we need to re-introduce new Multipotent cells to rejuvenate the healing process in older adults.

Regenerative Medicine at Its Best- How does it work?


Multipotent -cells can be derived from the bodies own bone marrow and adipose tissue and if available from umbilical cord. However recently cells derived from Amniotic and Umbilical cord source have show to be the most effective, reliable, safe and least invasive. Up to 40% of birth are performed by C-section (1). As more and more Mothers choose to bank their umbilical cord, access to live Multipotent-cells is becoming routine.

Once these concentrated cells are redeployed, the body’s own innate wisdom takes over. Signaled by inflammation, Multipotent cells home in on damaged tissues, where they produce growth factors and other compounds necessary for repair and regeneration.

Some of them, such as vascular endothelial growth factors and angiogenesis mediators, stimulate the production of new blood vessels to restore circulation and oxygen supply. Others prevent apoptosis (programmed cell death) or boost the formation of various cell types. Another Multipotent cell benefit is that they curb excessive inflammation and help regulate the immune response, which is key to the therapy’s benefits for inflammatory conditions and autoimmune diseases.

glutathione–cyclodextrin nanoparticle applications

Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides, and they are used to improve the solubility and stability of poorly water-soluble compounds like glutathione. When glutathione is encapsulated within a cyclodextrin complex, it forms a type of nanoparticle complex. This encapsulation process can enhance the delivery, absorption, and bioavailability of glutathione.

Mechanism of Action:

  1. Enhanced Solubility: Cyclodextrin can encapsulate glutathione in its hydrophobic cavity, thereby improving its water solubility. Enhanced solubility is crucial for the effective delivery and absorption of glutathione.

  2. Improved Stability: Glutathione is usually unstable and can be easily oxidized; however, encapsulation within cyclodextrin can protect it from degradation and oxidation, thus maintaining its active form for a longer duration.

  3. Targeted Delivery: The nanoparticle complex can be designed to allow for targeted and controlled release of glutathione, ensuring that it reaches the desired site of action without significant loss during transit through the body.

  4. Increased Bioavailability: By enhancing solubility and stability, cyclodextrin increases the amount of glutathione that can be absorbed and utilized by the body, which is often a significant challenge with poorly water-soluble compounds.


The glutathione–cyclodextrin nanoparticle complex can be beneficial in various applications, such as nutritional supplements, pharmaceuticals, and cosmeceuticals, where improved delivery and bioavailability of glutathione are desired. This complex can be particularly useful where high levels of reactive oxygen species are present, as glutathione is a potent antioxidant that can neutralize them, supporting cellular health and function.

Specific Details

For precise information on how a specific glutathione–cyclodextrin nanoparticle complex works, including its pharmacokinetics, release characteristics, and biological effects please contact us.

Applications for Multipotent-Cell Therapy:


AVOID TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT!. Amniotic Multipotent Cells Tissue is ideal for the the restoration of damaged or arthritic joints. Adipose tissue cells, cortisone injections, and other medicines offer a temporary cure for some of these injuries or diseases; while amniotic cells have the capability to restore the regenerative tissue and bone back to its original condition. One of the prime components of amniotic cell therapy is the hyaluronic acid that is known to lubricate your joints and tendons, easing pain and restoring your mobility. Several weeks after injection of the amniotic cells a significant improvement in cartilage growth, ligament and tendon stability can be noticed.


Inflammatory arthritis can now be treated with cell therapy. Multipotent cell samples contain hematopoietic cells among a multitude of cytokines and growth factors. The therapy is applied in one simple IV and relieve from joint inflammation is usually noticed with a few days.


Multipotent-cells can be applied locally and systemically to affect large muscle groups and nerve systems to be restored. Recovery time from Neuropathy, Stroke injury can be improved with the use of Multipotent-cells and in combination with Acupuncture. A Reduction in Parkinson's symptoms can be achieved. For Stroke Recovery we are offering programs including Chinese Herbal Medicine, Electro-Acupuncture, Bioness and now Multipotent Cell Therapy.


Multipotent-cells have shown to shrink Benign Enlarged Prostate Conditions. Forty per cent of men in their 50s, and 75 per cent of men in their 70s, experience uncomfortable urinary symptoms caused by BPH, and treatment options are very limited. The prostate can be a very difficult tissue to target with drugs, supplements and herbs. The main etiology for BPH is fibrosis and weakening of the muscular tissue in the prostate. When Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal treatment alone have little effect or when the prostate is larger than 2 times its original size, local Multipotent-Cell Therapy becomes an important treatment option. In theory Multipotent cells act as a reserve pool to initiate a backwards differentiation of the hyperplasia of prostatic stromal and epithelial cells, The turnover of cells allows the weakened muscle to be replaced and the fibrosis undergoing repair.  [7]


In Orthodox Medicine there is little or no treatment available for COPD, Asthma and Emphysema. Currently no modes of effective treatment are available for ILD or emphysema. Being anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and regenerative in nature, the administration of mesenchymal Multipotent cells has shown the capacity to control immune dysfunction and inflammation in the lung [5]. There is no cure for Asthma, the mere management of the symptoms leads to increased inflammation and damage of the lung tissue. Multipotent cell therapy contributes to the regeneration of lung tissue, which leads to a significant reduction in the incidence of attacks and their duration and stops asthma attacks. Multipotent cell therapy in patients with asthma increases resistance to colds and infectious diseases reducing the frequency of exacerbations. It reduces the allergic response of the organism to allergens including house dust, animal dander, pollen and foods.


  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Autism

  • Neurodegenerative Disorders

  • Inquire for YOUR condition